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Topic: HAL Fanfic!

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HAL Fanfic!

I read all of those last night! They are soooo good! Unleashed (i believe it was called) was my favorite!!! And the Kia-Ora one was quite good! They were all wonderful!!! And the kept me up till like 1! And I had class this morning and 7! I need to know where I can read more of them!! :)))

-- Edited by Sami on Friday 18th of May 2012 03:16:11 AM


It's a really nice look you've got going on there :wink:

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At over 500 years old, Lord Hal is a character with a mysterious past, a myriad possible futures and potential storylines.....the perfect ingredients to stimulate you to unleash your fanfic creativity!

Please feel free to share any fanfic either that you would like to write here, or have written or recommend...you never know ....it may inspire others to write their own!



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I would like to begin by recommending 3 superb fanfics by Ruby Rossetta Red. I had a brilliant evening yesterday reading them and I know any Hal fan out there will love these too!

The Kia-Ora Incident


this is a captivating tale involving Hal Leo and Pearl, you have the characters down to a tee Lisa!


Lonely Boy


Touching and perceptive, this cameo between Annie and Hal is spellbinding and exactly as you could imagine a deleted scene between them being.




A Hal fan fic of epic proportions, cleverly moving and mirroring between past and possible present Hal as he tries to break the bloodlust.


excellent stuff lisa..you is talented! 



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Awww thanks, i'm glad that you both liked them. 

Sami, www.fanfiction.net is where a lot of Being Human fanfiction is shared. 

You can choose which 'world' you'd like to read about, ie the UK or the US version, through drop down menus you can choose which pairings you're interested in. 


There are some really good authors on there, a new one who i am blown away with is an author by the name of 'non-canonical'. She's a very honest, visceral writer but very very good. Two of hers i would recommend are 'Breaking the Fever' and 'Circling the Drain', they are breathlessly good. 


~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

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They are truly awesome Lisa!

sorry i forget to put the link, it is the best fan fic site out there with so many many fandoms catered for! but for Hal fanfic check out


and select 'Hal' from the dropdown menu.

I will definitely have a read of your recommendations Lisa!


I read this one last night, so creative and I can imagine this as the plotline for that gap between the last 2 episodes of series 4:

The Spectacular, by make-mine-a-kiaora



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I had no idea there was so much fan fiction out there!!! Yay, more Hal, I shall print and read yours later Ruby!!! :D


My name is Ciara and I've been on the Kia-Ora!!!! :D

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I have another drabble up there, it's a short one for me. I tend to write around 3,000 words per chapter but this one is a measly 1500 words give or take. 

It goes by the name of 'The Eve Of...' and it may turn into a series. 




~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

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your prose is seamless and captivating Lisa...as are the observations you make of the characters, this absolutely feels like part of the fabric of Being Human..Hal's thread! I really hope you do continue..the whole series! thank you for posting it here!


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Aww thank you :)

I have another chapter of 'The Eve Of...', it's another drabble and it goes by the name of 'Promises' and deals with the events of '1955' 




Incidentally i do allow anonymous reviews, so you don't have to be a member of the site to leave a review, just as long as you let me know who you are, it should be fine :) 



~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

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Your stories are just wonderful!!


It's a really nice look you've got going on there :wink:

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*reads while trying to eat an avocado*


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So! I had this idea that as Hal fans we should band together and write ourselves the Ultimate Hal Fanfic!!! I was thinking that it would work by one person writing some and then another person writing some and then so on and so forth. We can post it somewhere for people to read and give advise and such while it is still being written. We can start a separate thread for it if we decide to do it!


It's a really nice look you've got going on there :wink:

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didn't get very far with the avocado, powerful stuff Ruby Rosetta Red, it feels like a journey through a whole range of emotion, humour amid the angst with the Hawain dream wall, all the way through despair and destructive desires unleashed. I do love this part of Hal's story..the symbolism of the dominoes.. Fave section - the part where he returns to the pawn shop, this is so intense and that makes me feel adrenalized like Hal is feeling, until that tension is broken...forgot to say last time, telling the story as Hal in third person is really effective,

It must have taken you ages to write Lisa, thanks for sharing, I feel inspired and must get round to writing some myself one day.


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Aww thank you, i'm glad you liked it.


I write very quickly, once an idea takes hold i can write several thousand words in a day. When i'm writing multi chaptered fics, i aim at about three thousand plus words and write it over a period of a week. My last multi chapter was a Mitchell fic (with my own version of Cutler as i introduced his character before his role began in S4 and Andrew had been cast but nothing else was known) and i'd average a chapter a week. So a drabble can be a day or two, depending on what's going on in my actual life. 


~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

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I am hard at work on my first fanfiction right now!! its is alot harder than i thought it would be! (maybe i should try typing without a taco in one hand...) I have so much more respect for writers lol.

rubyrosettared! you are awesome!!


It's a really nice look you've got going on there :wink:

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Do check out this epic Hal and Being Human fan fic by @KatyNewt on twitter, there are 12 engaging chapters to read and more to come!

thanks for letting us share Katy!


We can Be Heroes, by Team Honoulu Heights


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I have read Katy's fic now and recommend it...particularly the introduction of character that opened totally new and life changing doors for Hal...excellent thinking there Katy!


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Now on my to-read list!


It's a really nice look you've got going on there :wink:

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Am in the process of writing a new Hal fic. It's going very very slowly and even though i've written close to six and a half thousand words, i'm still not completely happy with it. Usually when i'm writing a new fic, i engage with the characters and get involved with the process of telling the story i want to tell. I want to tell this story but the characters aren't quite engaging with me. Fortunately this is just the first draft so i'm hoping something will click further when i go back and edit. Failing that, emailing it to my sister, who is my fic muse, usually helps and she usually homes in on where it's going wrong and suggestions of how to fix it or a fresh suggestion that may jiggle something loose in my head.

So right now, the scene where Hal is trapped in the cellar with new ghost Alex and he's beating on the door? that's my fic brain at the moment ;)


~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

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Oooh.... well I know that pressure is the nemesis of creativity, but may I just say I am very much looking forward to your latest piece Lisa !


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Just caught up on the latest chapters of We can Be Heroes, by Team Honolulu Heights  it just keeps getting better @KatyNewt! 


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