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Topic: New Official BBC Press Interviews for Being Human | Damien Molony | 25 January 2013

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New Official BBC Press Interviews for Being Human | Damien Molony | 25 January 2013




Damien Molony as Hal in Being Human

Damien Molony

Date: 25.01.2013Last updated: 25.01.2013 at 14.33

Category: BBC Three; Drama

What’s happening at the beginning of the new series?

At the beginning of Series Five, Hal is pretty much where we left him. He’s tied to a chair, off the blood, but the only real difference is he’s been here for a while, so he’s got a beard, he’s sweaty and craving blood. The house is a complete mess. Alex is tearing things open looking for taste, looking for smells… any kind of sensation really that she now can’t have because she’s a ghost. Tom is just getting all kinds of takeaways and destroying the house in front of Hal's eyes. So Hal is desperate to get out and clean it up, to bring some order and control to the house but the horrible thing is he doesn’t trust himself because he might go back on the blood.

What’s going between Hal and Alex?

Hal and Alex met in such intimate circumstances. They fancied each other, and ended up on a date, but when Alex was murdered, it was her blood he drank and caused him to fall off the wagon. Since she returned as a ghost and is living at Honolulu Heights, Hal sees Alex every day of every week and he’s reminded of his monstrous side and his evil capabilities. She represents everything Hal is running away from but on the flip side, there is still a connection between them, but I think Hal finds it easier to push her away – it makes it easier for him to cope with the guilt of what he’s done to her.

There is a real sense of your characters being quite alone despite being surrounded by other supernaturals. How do you think that impacts on Hal?

The beauty of Being Human is really the story of three best mates living together but they're three normal people who have been afflicted with a curse: there’s the vampire who is addicted to blood and killing people; the ghost who can make no relationships with anyone in the outside world and the werewolf whose curse turns him into a monster and he’s completely incapable of controlling it.

We’re living together and helping each other with our individual problems, but all we want is to blend into society and belong to this human world that is growing up around us. And, every single relationship that each of our characters seems to develop in the outside world usually ends up in someone being killed, or someone getting their heart broken. So it’s a really difficult life for these three young people to have and I think that’s really why the show works so well. No one’s life is perfect and no one is the perfect human being and these three best mates are trying to belong to a world that doesn’t necessarily want them

What are you up against now that the Old Ones are gone?

What was great with Series Four was the impending doom of the Old Ones and constantly waiting for the inevitable to happen? With Series Five, it’s a lot more subtle, which is really exciting, because the three of us have this amazing relationship in the house and trying to get along, trying to be human and do our day-to-day jobs at the hotel. But we don’t realise that this person called Captain Hatch, who’s played by Phil Davis, is slowly but surely and deviously taking over the world under our very noses. We really only begin it figure it out much later, but by then it’s almost too late.

What was it like working with Phil Davis?

Filming scenes with Phil Davis was great. Sometimes, you wouldn’t even know he was in the scene because there were no lines on the call sheet, but then there he was in his little wheelchair, looking disgusting and it just says, ‘Captain Hatch arches an eyebrow’ and it’s really terrifying! It makes it all the more exciting because it’s Phil, but also because he plays Hatch to perfection.

What makes Being Human so watchable even after five series?

You can have all the special effects in the world, you can have the greatest sets and locations and exotic places to film in, but at the heart of Being Human is three extraordinary characters. Maybe what makes Being Human appealing to so many people is the genuine escapism of watching a vampire, a werewolf and ghost living together on Barry Island. It’s bizarre, but at the same time, these are, hopefully, real people with real problems. So yes, Hal is a vampire, but he’s addicted to something and it’s an addiction that causes a lot of pain in other people as well as himself. They are supernatural characters, but at the heart of them are real people struggling with really, everyday human problems and the show has a way of relating to the people who watch, because it deals with problems through the escapism but it’s still relevant to them.



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Team DaMo
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Posts: 91

Lovely interview. And I hope what he’s hinting at about Hal and Alex is true; that there might be something unresolved between them but they’re not going to actually go anywhere with it. It just wouldn’t feel right.
I do like this show as a metaphor for dysfunctional humans actually trying to get along in life as well.

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Posts: 16398
Damien gives brilliant interviews, I always enjoy his insights into his characters in this case, Being Human.

For me he was spot on with his answer to the last question. It took me a while to realise why I was particularly drawn to Hal, apart from Damien's exceptional portrayal, there is so much I relate to with regard to isolation and being housebound (and chair bound!) (in my case bedbound /wheelchair bound) and seeing that played out on the screen is quite a healing experience.


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Mad about Lord Harry
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Posts: 683
Awesome interview answers from Damo there. He is a bit good at them too I've noticed and is careful not to give massive spoilers !!! Thanx for posting domino :D xx


My name is Ciara and I've been on the Kia-Ora!!!! :D

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