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Topic: A song that reminds you of Being Human?

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Damien Molony Army
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A song that reminds you of Being Human?

I found a song , and it's not my type of music personaly! But it reminds me of Being Human!

"I was in a devils town , didn't know i was in a devils town"
"All my friends where Vampires , i didn't know they where vampires!"

I wonder if any one else has any songs that reminds them of Being Human? or Hal?



Anyway, must dash. Friend about to kill lots of people.

Team DaMo
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My Being Human season 3 jam was this song

-- Edited by jennster on Saturday 16th of March 2013 05:53:31 PM

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This has got to be the ultimate being human song now. Makes me cry every single time I hear. Will always remind me of my favourite tv show xxx

Tom Odell-can't pretend 

-- Edited by Su Hemming on Saturday 16th of March 2013 06:46:06 PM


Sooner or later, we all go back to being the monsters we truly are!


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What a good song!! It does remind me abit of being human! (Isnt this the song in the preview for In The Flesh??)

The song that really reminds me of Being Human is "Aint no rest for the wicked" by Cage the Elephant

its probably because of Mr Rook's line in S4 ep8


It's a really nice look you've got going on there :wink:

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"Black & Gold" by Sam Sparro... i discovered the song & BH around the same time!

-- Edited by J-Baptiste on Saturday 11th of May 2013 11:00:54 PM

Team DaMo
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The song that I have always associated with series 4 Hal is this one


now don't you be blaming me if the link doesn't work. #idiottweeter here

It's Coldplay and Viva La Vida.
They lyrics are perfect for Hal if you listen to them. Actually made my stop in my tracks the first time I listened properly to the words, then thought "Good Grief! They're actually singing about Hal!"

What does everyone think? And if the link doesn't work (most likely) then you'll have to go and find it yourself LOL


"That's not me glaring, it's just me looking."

Team DaMo
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Told you! told you I wouldn't be able to do it!

Can someone else get the video on here somehow?? Pleeeeaaase??


"That's not me glaring, it's just me looking."

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Here you go brookesey smile I love this song too 




Sooner or later, we all go back to being the monsters we truly are!


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I've mentioned this a few times but my Hal song is 'Lonely Boy' by The Black Keys.


~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

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The biggest song I associate with Hal is "My Body is a Cage" by Peter Gabriel's cover of Arcade Fire.  It's in this incredible fanmade Hal video.

A few weeks ago when they had the trailer for Ep6 and it said 'The end of the blood line' and there was some fear of Hal dying, I bought this song and added it to my BH playlist.  The video cuts out before the actual end of the song.  This window wont let me post two videos in one post, so I will post it next.

The song ends with "Set my spirit free...Set my body free...." beign sung over and over.  I SOBBED for two hours straight!  I still cry each time I listen to the song, which is multiple times a day.  I just interpret the ending differently, but still appropriate.


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Here is the entire song:

"My Body is a Cage" Peter Gabriel (Arcade Fire cover)


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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I love jake bugg so when I discovered that Michael socha was in his new video I got excited anyway but now every time I hear this song I think of being human so here ya go



Sooner or later, we all go back to being the monsters we truly are!


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Must admit that about 90% of my music reminds me being human....so I haven't posted anything in here yet - still trying to narrow it down a bit. 

Have to admit that I do keep listening to the Tom Odell track though. It's just so good, and yeah - the ultimate bh song for me.


".....he'll be with you while you dream"

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Another Black Keys song that i associate with Hal is called 'Sinister Kid'. Fits Lord Harry down to the ground.

A lot of Seether songs can be interpreted as being 'vampiric' in the BH sense, ie as blood being an addiction. Fine Again, Needles, Driven Under (the lead singer struggled with addiction issues which he wrote about and very eloquently too) but especially 'Fine Again' fits lyrics wise to someone struggling against the addiction, be it alcohol, drugs or even blood. Google their lyrics.


~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

Damien Molony Army
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Wow. . . thanks everyone for posting your songs :D this is the most successful thing I've ever posted on here haha!!

Brookesey i love cold play :D haha great song!

And yes the song i posted was from the adverts of  the flesh. x

Su! trust you to pick Tom Odel :') But yes it is a brilliant song! and second i found it i had it on replay for at least a hole week . . .

All they's songs are brilliant cooldancingcoolbounce

'My body is a cage' song is very beatiful :O . . . in it's own special way glitter


jennster thanks for posting!! That's more of my type of music ;)  

-- Edited by Kayla on Wednesday 3rd of April 2013 05:24:08 PM

-- Edited by Kayla on Wednesday 3rd of April 2013 05:24:46 PM


Anyway, must dash. Friend about to kill lots of people.

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After hearing the snippet of this, I had to google it to find out the artist and song title. I actually really like this song (not including the connection to BH! wink)




(I hope I've done this correctly!hmm)


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"I should have left a clue. Like, I don't know, locking him in a cellar and tying him to a fucking radiator!"

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This song was in an episode.  I fell in love with it and had to look it up. 

It occurs to me that this would be a good one to play in an episode of Justified.

-- Edited by Random Jane on Friday 17th of May 2013 04:09:42 AM


"I should have left a clue. Like, I don't know, locking him in a cellar and tying him to a fucking radiator!"

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Su Hemming wrote:



This has got to be the ultimate being human song now. Makes me cry every single time I hear. Will always remind me of my favourite tv show xxx

Tom Odell-can't pretend 

-- Edited by Su Hemming on Saturday 16th of March 2013 06:46:06 PM

 I'd never heard of Tom Odell, but found this song and his voice so enjoyable I have just downloaded an album with this on from Amazon. Thank you, Su.

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