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Topic: Set You Free - a story of Hal and Sylvie

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Set You Free - a story of Hal and Sylvie


Set You Free

by whimsyfox

"But she thought she could save me. She thought her love, her friendship, her body, would keep me strong and clean." 1790. Hal is in the chair again, ready to go clean, ready to attempt to atone for his sins by living a life devoid of, well, life. But then a girl appears.

Hal/Sylvie/several OC's/supposition.Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - 




It just came to my attention recently that I never posted this here.  This is my fanfic that was inspired by Hal's recounting to Crumb of his love for Sylvie, how she is the one he thinks of when he wants to stop himself from killing.  It touched me so much that within one week of the episode airing I had 30 pages of scenes and conversations and notes written.  And I've never written anything before, so that was incredible.  I just posted Ch 8 (as of 09/06/13) and there's still lots more coming.

Warning this is now M rated for the obvious.  I may have gotten a bit carried away, but please, it's HAL.  All I can say is I haven't gotten any complaints. wink



-- Edited by whimsyfox on Friday 27th of September 2013 03:26:13 AM


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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No complaints from me, certainly. A brilliantly written fic...chapter 7 in particular! blushing

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Thank you for posting Whimsy, I have not read any of your fic yet, really looking forward to it and perfect timing -- we are discussing the Sylvie scene in tonight's Hal Chat!


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I'll have to save your fanfic page to my favourites so I can find it each time. Look forward to reading it. I always wonder what the backstory of Hal's speech about Sylvie could be. Thanks Whimsy!


"You think I'm relaxing. This is me holding on by my fingernails"

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@pradakat oh good. I was worried about how people would react to the direction their relationship went. But this is good Hal, it's the advice he gave Tom. smile


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Here is the link to the last chapter I posted on Sunday:

Ch 9: Lonely in Your Nightmare

My schedule is basically one chapter every two weeks and I like to post on weekends. 

Yesterday morning my intro couple paragraphs for Ch 10 became 5 pages of notes in my notebook PLUS 450 pages typed. Hal woke me up with a whole inner monologue.... so this thing just keeps growing. biggrin


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Oooooo, looking forward to reading this when I get home tonight. I suspect it's still NSFW!

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Whimsy, I am kind of waiting until you finish it all, so I can reaD it like a book! but not sure How much longer I can hold out!


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@pradakat what does NSFW mean?

@domino I know the feeling about wanting to read things like a book  I've put off reading some other fanfic for that reason!  ummm.... by my estimates this could take another 3-4 months.  I do have lots of scenes written, it's a matter of joining them to the story coherently.  And then also Hal and Sylvie keep talking to me and adding to their story...


Part of me wants to hurry up and write faster (but RL keeps happening) but the other part of me is scared to have it end. 


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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NSFW = Not Suitable For Work so no porn or gambling allowed, lol!

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Always forget to update here.

Ch 12: Monsters

Kat, this one is ok for work.  Just don't go back to Ch. 11 (A Good Rough and Tumble) wink


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Ch. 13: Blood


And as you might guess from the title, a bit dark.  


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Hi Whimsy, I plan to have a fanfic evening soon, where I will read your fic all the way from the beginning, so looking forward to it!

Thank you for continuing to alert us at the forum, please keep doing so.


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Things are definitely heading for the inevitable conclusion - great chapter Whimsy once again; you get that feeling of foreboding running through it...

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domino wrote:

whimsy, I really wanted to read your story when it was finished but could not hold out any longer....and dedicated this evening to your fanfic...all the way from the beginning. It is captivating....your exploration of what is the very essence of Hal truly resonates with my own feelings on his character...the weightiness if his burden is felt throughout and as Kat says there is a sense of foreboding (beyond the knowing of how this story ends..unless you are to depart from that ending) the poignancy of a tragic love story beautifully told. Sylvie is just as I imagined her and more besides. and there are some hot... very hot moments...not sure i will ever see some of the BH scenes the same way again! thank you for being another talented writer of the Hal fandom, we are blessed!

domino, I'm so thrilled you read and liked it!  Thank you for the lovely comments.  It still surprises me people aren't saying I'm taking it too far in any particular direction and people like my imaginings... 

I do feel this weightiness in Hal, more than any other vampire, when watching Damien's performance.  Every move so precise, controlled.  It's a manifestation of his inner torture, the burden of both the incessant craving and the guilt from the times he's been unleashed... I feel that weight down to my bones whenever I write him.  That's not to say it doesn't lift, and based on his description of Sylvie I truly feel she eased the burden for him, if only at times.  She was special, otherwise she wouldn't be the one he thought about to keep himself from killing.  After all he visited Lady Mary every year for 250 and she didn't have the same effect.  In my interpretation there are some things he's carried over subconsciously from his time with Sylvie.  I feel she was, for back of a better word, his soul mate.  Of course, she still has that mischievous, opinionated spirit Hal seems to be attracted to. He gets irritated of course, but I don't think Hal would be happy with someone who is mild mannered.  He needs some spark.  And there are tests to their love, this wasn't just a little fling but a love that built up through the bad as well as the good.  Yes very tragic.

Ummm... I think I might have gotten a bit carried away with the hot scenes.  But can you blame me?  It's Hal.  I was...um... inspired... ahem...  

Which BH scenes will you never see the same way again? 

The ending is in canon.  In fact, no surprise, it was the first scene I wrote out the day after his description of it aired.  I keep adding to it little by little.  I hope it goes over well.  


Thank you all for letting me ramble and indulge in my little fantasy of Hal and Sylvie. smile

-- Edited by whimsyfox on Friday 11th of October 2013 12:52:21 AM


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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whimsy, I really wanted to read your story when it was finished but could not hold out any longer....and dedicated this evening to your fanfic...all the way from the beginning. It is captivating....your exploration of what is the very essence of Hal truly resonates with my own feelings on his character...the weightiness if his burden is felt throughout and as Kat says there is a sense of foreboding (beyond the knowing of how this story ends..unless you are to depart from that ending) the poignancy of a tragic love story beautifully told. Sylvie is just as I imagined her and more besides. and there are some hot... very hot moments...not sure i will ever see some of the BH scenes the same way again! thank you for being another talented writer of the Hal fandom, we are blessed!


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You didn't get carried away at all whimsy, all part of a richly textured love story!
Which scenes will i ever see the same way again? Well, the scene when Hal reveals his history with Sylvie..and quite possibly the press up scenes...


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Ch. 14: Monster at Bay

Press-ups make a cameo in this one domino. wink


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Ch. 15: Screams and Tremors

Ending of the story arc for past few chapters.  


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Just occurred to me I forgot to post an update here.  

Ch. 16: Exile

Transitioning back to Hal and Sylvie focus.



papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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oh my goodness i have missed 3 chapters! you have been busy whimsy! thank you for posting I am off to read...


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Beautiful continuation whimsy, a whole gamut of emotion and tones, utterly believable that this could be Hal and Syvlie's story. The knife edge that Hal is on resisting temptation is exquisitely portrayed in chapters 14 and 15, and the tenderness between the two and the pain, in chapter 15 s so moving. and... I have often wondered how many press ups Hal could get up to!
I hope you feel given to continue


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Thank you domino for reading and giving me feedback.  Chapters 14 and 15 are my absolute favorites I've written.  I felt all the emotions when writing them, it was very real to me.  I'm glad you liked it.  

As for pressups, well... a lot more than any human could.  Alot more than any other vampire as well, I imagine.  But, even his body gives out eventually.  It's a good thing there are other ways to help resist the temptation.  Love is a very powerful thing.

Had a bit of a writer's block, but Hal and Sylvie woke me the other morning with the right words.  So working on chapter 17 now. Wont be too much longer I should think, depending also on beta availability.



papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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weird, where is my comment after your last chapters whimsy? I posted it, definitely, i remember talking to you about the pressups chapter and the emotions!

edit: how very weird, now the posts are there! forum gremlins must have been here!

I am exctied to hear you have another chapter in the works, I have been wondering.....

-- Edited by domino on Sunday 26th of January 2014 11:09:33 PM


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several chapters to go.  not saying how many exactly. wink


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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