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Join us this Sunday for the first Suspects Series 2 JACK CHAT!




What?   chat with other fans about Suspects Series 2 Episode 1

When?  Sunday 21 September 8.30pm (uk time)

Where? Right here in this forum topic

How?    Just turn up and join in!



Things you can do before the Jack Chat:


~ Have a re watch of this episode on Demand 5 here

( international peeps, you can watch from outside the uk legally, using a VPN service like Tunnelbear or hola )


~ Check out the Episode synopsis and screencaps here





A scene breakdown will follow soon, watch this space........





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Suspects Series 2 | Episode 1 | Scene Breakdown


Scene 1 ( 00.00 - 00.26 )

Jack and Charlie are in the car when they receive a call from control about a serious assault, in the street where Martha lives.

JW: Shit

CS: What?

JW: That's where the boss lives


Jack accelerates and they head to the crime scene.



Scene 2 ( 00.27 - 01.15 )

Forensics, uniform and Martha (in her off duty clothes) are already on the scene. When Jack and Charlie arrive, Martha tells Jack that the victim is a neighbour. He asks her if she knew him and if she wants to take the case. She replies she doesn't have to, but doesn't see an alternative, "someone's shat on my front door step haven't they."


Scene 3 ( 01.16  - 01.46 )

Martha and Jack enter the premises, Martha fills Jack in on the victims details.

 MB: Jonathan Moxton, Barrister, found naked hands tied behind his back with a pair of ladies underpants on the pillow next to him.. victim being coshed on the head with a blunt instrument, he's on his way to A&E, he's unconscious but he's breathing.

In the bedroom where the attack took place, the sheets and pillow are covered in blood.

JW: Sex game gone wrong?

MB: Maybe..

JW: Is this is a particularly kinky neighbourhood?

 MB: Thank you Jack. Check for laptops, phones, ipads that sort of thing, point of entry Jack.




Scene 4 ( 01.47  - 02.49 )

Charlie talks to neighbour Saul Hammond, who found Jonathan Moxton. He tells her he heard a scream as he was about to go into his own house, so he came over the check out what was going on and found Jonathan in the bed with hands tied and something in his mouth which he removed to check if he was breathing. Charlie tells him they will be taking him to the station because he has blood on his clothes and there may be DNA.


Scene 5 ( 02.50 - 03.38 )

Martha talks to Tanya Moxton, Jonathan's wife, at the hospital. She asks Tanya what her movements were that day and at the time of the attack. Tanya says she knows Saul Hammond and that he is not very well, "well, he's mentally ill."


Scene 6 ( 03.39  -  05.26 )

Charlie interviews Saul in the soft interview area at the station. Saul tells her that Jonathan had promised to help with a campaign saving the hostel where he lives, but that he let them down. Saul becomes irate and Charlie questions if he had become angry enough to have a violent confrontation with him.

SH: You're now asking if I did it, did I get angry enough to do it?

CS:  No Saul that's not what I'm asking

SH: What are you asking me then why are you asking me? I tried to save the guys life.

Jack knocks on the door asking to have a word with Charlie. Outside in the corridor he asks if she is ok and tells her that Saul is a paranoid schizophrenic and she cannot do another interview until an appropriate adult,  Sadie Burns from the hostel where he lives, arrives. Charlie is not happy.

CS: Oh come on..

JW: Charlie I've asked you to do something will you please go and do it?



Scene 7 (  05.27  -  06.25 )

Back at the hospital Tanya identifies the underwear found at the scene as hers. Martha informs her that it appears there was some sexual act around the time that he was attacked and asks if she was aware that her husband was seeing someone else. Tanya becomes upset.


Scene 8 ( 06.26 - 06.46 )

Charlie informs Jack that Sadie Burns has arrived (Saul's appropriate adult).  Jack has found out that uniformed officers were called to Saul's hostel 3 months previously when he became violent.

JW: Therefore I think it's possible that Saul has attacked Jonathan Moxton, particularly if he's off the medication.

CS: You sound like you've made up your mind about that.

JW: No, paranoid schizophrenics are capable of anything.

(shots of Jonathan Moxton in hospital bed and photos on the crime board)


Scene 9 ( 06.47 - 08.24 )

Jack and Charlie interview Saul with Sadie Burns present.



Jack questions Saul's version of events when he omits removing the underwear from Jonathan's mouth to perform resuscitation. Charlie asks Saul about going across to the hostel to call the police then returning to the scene.



Scene 10 ( 08.25 - 08.44 )

In the main office, Jack tells Charlie that the hospital reports Jonathan received "blunt trauma injuries from a rounded instrument" and that the SOCOs (scene of crime officers) did not find anything like that at the scene. Jack suggests that it is possible when Saul went across to the hostel as he said he did, he stashed it in his room.


Scene 11 ( 08.45  - 09.50 )

Jack and Charlie search Saul's room at the hostel, with Saul and Sadie present. Jack finds a medication packet with only one strip left out of 3 months worth of meds. Jack asks Saul if he has stopped taking his meds and if he is selling them, which Saul denies.




When Charlie finds a pool ball covered in blood and asks Saul what it is, he becomes distressed and tries to attack her. Jack and a uniformed officer restrain him, while Jack arrests him.



Scene 12  ( 09.51 - 11.24 )

In interview room 1, Jack interviews Saul, with Sadie present. When questioned about the pool ball, Saul says that it is an anxiety tool / stress ball and it was covered in blood because he picked it up when he had blood on his hands. Jack asks him to take him through the timeline of events when he found Jonathan again, and this time Saul mentions seeing a man running from the scene. Jack asks why he did not mention it before and Saul replies that he did. Jack remains calm but responds that he definitely did not mention it before an asks what the man looked like, Saul replies that he doesn't know.


Scene 13 ( 11.25  - 11.56 )

Charlie and Jack discuss Saul at the crime board. Charlie points out that the crime itself took time and planning and that doesn't seem like something someone as unstable as Saul would do. Jack points out that with his condition Saul has delusions and hallucinations and if he stopped taking his meds "It's a free for all, all bets are off."



Scene 14 ( 11.57 -  12.59 )

Back in the interview room, Jack show Saul footage of the crime scene, to see if it jogs his memory. Saul remembers that when he was there he heard something, like someone kicking something over. "Someone was in there, And I swear to god, that's just popped in my head right now."


Scene 15 ( 13.00  - 13.14 )

Jack talks to Martha in her office.

JW: Paranoid schizophrenics, symptom number one is hearing voices. He's agitated..his story keeps changing."



Scene 16 ( 13.15 - 13.50 )

Back in the interview Saul tells Jack he did sell his medication to someone to get some money, but now he doesn't "feel so good." Jack goes to get him some water while Saul becomes more distressed and appears to be talking back to voices he is hearing.



Scene 17 ( 13.51 - 14.21 )

Martha, Jack and Charlie are in the main office, Jack reports that TIU have got Jonathan's phone records, there is nothing major on there, except for one particular voicemail, which he plays to them. The voicemail is a man who has Jonathan's laptop and appears to blackmail him, that he would not want his wife to see its contents. The voicemail comes from a caller listed in Jonathan's phone as 'M'.


Scene 18 ( 14.22 - 14.37 )

Jack has traced the number of Jonathan's phone to Mick Shaw, who has previously been in prison for 8 years for a nasty burglary. "Bring him in Jack."


Scene 19 ( 14.38 - 15.12 )

Jack and Charlie drive to Mick Shaw's house and meet him on the street, where Charlie arrests him on suspicion of blackmail.




Scene 20 ( 15.13 - 15.52 )

(Footage of Jack bringing Mick to the front desk as recording of the voice message is played in the interview room).

In an interview room Jack and Charlie question Mick (solicitor present) on the voicemail and his attempt at blackmail. Mick is evasive and responds with "no comment".


Scene 21 ( 15.53 - 15.59 )

Jack asks Julie at the front desk for Mick Shaw's belongings.

"Have you done something with your hair?"


Scene 22 ( 16.00 - 16.18 )

Jack and Charlie are in the corridor as Jack goes through Mick's possessions. He finds a left luggage ticket from a train station from yesterday.


Scene 23 ( 16.19  - 17.22 )

Jack is back in the interview room with Mick and his solicitor. Jonathan's laptop was found in Mick's locker at the station.

JW: I bet your finger marks are all fucking over this, and your DNA..

 But Mick isn't giving anything away.

JW: We'll have a look through it, see what we can find. That's ok with you is it?... sit tight.



Scene 24 ( 17.23  - 17.37 )

Jack calls Martha into the main office where he and Charlie are at their desks. The laptop has been confirmed as Jonathan Moxton's and his search history shows visits to mainly gay websites. Jack speculates that maybe Jonathan was gay and the sex game was with another man.


Scene 25 ( 17.38  - 18.59 )

Jack tells Martha in her office that forensics have come back from Jonathan Moxton's room, 4 sets of fingerprints have been confirmed, belonging to, Jonathan, Tanya and Saul, but the 4th set of finger marks does not belong to Mick Shaw. The semen present on the sheets does not belong to Jonathan, or Saul. Jack speculates that "Saul barges into Jonathan's bedroom, found him getting busy with another guy, flipped out and attacked Jonathan."

Charlie comes in with news that forensics show the pool ball is not the weapon used in the attack, instead "The injury is more consistent with blows from a hammer."

Martha tells them that with no weapon or evidence, they have to bail Saul. Jack argues that he should not be released and is clearly not happy as he leaves the room.



Scene 26 ( 19.00  - 19.38 )

Jack drives Saul and Sadie back to the hostel. Saul tells him again that the more he thinks about it, there was someone in there. Jack tells Sadie to make sure he takes his meds.



Scene 27 ( 19.39  - 20.47 )

(shot of the suspects board)

Martha and Jack interview Mick (solicitor present). Jack suggests that Mick was blackmailing Jonathan about the gay websites, but wanted more money, so went to the house and tried to kill him, but Mick responds '"this isn't me mate" and tells them that Tanya Moxton is a killer and they need to be speaking to her.


Scene 28 ( 20.48 - 29.58 )

At the suspects board, Charlie informs Jack and Martha that Tanya Moxton was formerly known as Kim Hopkins, who "did six years for manslaughter of her partner, when she came out of prison she changed her name to Tanya and married Jonathan Moxton."


Scene 29 ( 20.59 -  21.15 )

Charlie informs Martha and Jack in Martha's office that Kim Hopkins was in an abusive relationship with a violent partner. was convicted for manslaughter claiming self defense, " so maybe this is history repeating itself."

(shot of the bloodstained bed / crime scene)


Scene 30 ( 21.16 - 21.25 )

Jack shows Martha CCTV footage of Tanya running into her car and driving away. "she's done a runner."


Scene 31 ( 21.26  - 21.50 )

Jack and Charlie talk about Tanya's whereabouts in the stairwell. Jack reports Tanya is not at the house and hasn't picked up her daughter from school. Charlie tells him that her car has been spotted on the M3 heading out of London,  uniform are following.


Scene 32 ( 21.51  -  22.25 )

The team gather at the suspects board. Charlie has gained access to the chat website that Jonathan used, which showed he was chatting to mainly one person, a nineteen year old, but the chat stopped 6 weeks ago. The nineteen year old can be traced to a specific internet cafe.


Scene 33 ( 22.26 - 22.58 )

Jack waits for Charlie in the street outside the internet cafe, when she returns she says the owner has given a good description of the 19 year old guy and that he works in the deli just down the road, so they head off to take a look. When Jack and Charlie enter the deli, they spot a guy fitting the description, but as Jack begins to talk to him, he runs off, with the two detective in pursuit. They catch up and Jack arrests him: "I'm arresting you because you match the description of a young male I believe was involved in an attempted murder.."



Scene 34 ( 22.59 - 23.12 )

On the way back to HQ in the car, Jack and Charlie receive a call from control that Tanya Moxton had been "apprehended on the MP3 heading south, ETA return to station 40 minutes."


Scene 35 ( 23.13 - 23.19 )

dialogue free segment where Charlie brings the young male suspect to the front desk.


Scene 36 ( 23.20 - 24.49 )

Jack and Charlie interview Nate Turner (solicitor present). When asked if he knows Jonathan Moxton Nate responds "no comment." but then denies hearing the name before. Charlie tells him Jonathan was attacked and points out that he was a regular user of a gay chat website and asks Nate if he is also a user, he confirms he is but is vague about who he has chatted with or met up with, he meets a lot of people.



Scene 37 ( 24.50 - 25.39 )

In interview room 4 Martha and Charlie interview Tanya, who claims her leaving was just a reaction to what she had just been told and that the situation she was in before was very different to the one she is in now..


Scene 38 ( 25.40  -  25.47 )

Jack researches in the archives and leaves with a file


Scene 39 ( 25.48 - 26.02 )

Back at the suspects board, Jack tells Martha and Charlie that he has found a link between Mick Shaw and Tanya Moxton - Mick was an associate of her former partner and the two know each other.


Scene 40 ( 26.03 -  26.25 )

Charlie shows Tanya a photo of Mick and plays her his voicemail to Jonathan. Tanya says she does not know who he is and has never seen him before


Scene 41 ( 26.26 - 26.49 )

Charlie shows Martha and Jack CCTV footage from last week of Tanya giving Mick money in the street outside a cash point


Scene 42 ( 26.50 - 27.18 )

Jack and Martha interview Mick (solicitor present) and show him the CCTV footage of him and Tanya. He claims they've known each other for years and she was just helping him out because he is strapped for cash


Scene 43 ( 27.19 - 29.39 )

Martha interviews Tanya (solicitor present) who continues to deny knowing Mick. Martha asks her if she is aware Jonathan was using gay websites, she is upset and appears shocked. Martha suggests she found out he was having sex with men, became upset and paid Mick £500 to attack him. Tanya finally admits she gave Mick £500 because he was blackmailing her about publicly revealing her past. She had told Jonathan about her past and about Mick blackmailing her and Jonathan had said he would sort it.


Scene 44 ( 29.40  - 30.20 )

In the other interview room Charlie tells Mick that the CPS have given her the authority to charge him with blackmail and that he is going to prison.


Scene 45 ( 30.21 - 31.26 )

Charlie finds a pensive Jack on the rooftop and tells him Tanya's alibi checks out so she did not attack her husband.


JW: That's a shocker

CS: Okay, so someone still thinks it's Saul"

JW: What else do you expect me to think

CS: Do you know what Jack, all the time we've worked together I've never seen you do this, just go after one person, so.."

JW: Instinct....gut instinct

CS: ..dogmatically..

JW: gut instinct

CS: ...when with all due respect there are other options..I understand that Saul has a history of mental illness...

JW: Charlie you've no idea what you're talking about, so..

CS: All I'm saying Sarge, with all due respect, is that his violence has always been at property and not at people, I just think that that's... [phone] the search team are at Nate's bedsit

JW: yeh well on you go...

CS: See you later then.



Scene 46 ( 31.27 - 31.52 )

Charlie tells Martha that nothing was found at Nate's bedsit, Martha points out he could have hidden a hammer anywhere and tells Charlie to get a search team down to the deli. As they both walk into the main office, Jack asks "is your phone on silent? I've been trying to call you. The semen on Jonathan Moxton's bed sheets belongs to Nate. Nate Turner's DNA is all over that house."

(shot of the crime scene)


Scene 47 ( 31.53  - 33.10 )

Charlie and Jack interview Nate (solicitor present). he finally admits to seeing Jonathan for a few weeks, but closes up when asked his whereabouts when Jonathan was attacked.


Scene 48 ( 33.11 - 34.07 )

Martha show Tanya a photo of Nate and asks if she knows him. Tanya has no idea who he is. Martha tells her that she has forensic evidence that Nate was having sex with her husband and that he was at the scene of the crime but she knows nothing more at this stage


Scene 49 ( 34.08  - 34.27 )

in the main office Jack comes off the phone and tells Charlie that Jonathan Moxton has brain damage, then goes to Martha's office to inform her so she can tell Tanya.


Scene 50 ( 34.28  - 34.42 )

(soundtrack only dialogue-free scene where Martha tells Tanya the news about her husband)


Scene 51 ( 34.43 - 35.36 )

Charlie finds Jack at his locker getting ready to leave. She tells him Sadie Burns has just walked in and wants to talk to (only) him. Jack is annoyed but when he joins her in the front interview room she has a bruise on her face, which she claims was Saul lashing out when she tried to ask him for more info about the attack on Jonathan.



Scene 52 ( 35.37  - 36.25 )

Things get heated between Martha and Jack when he talks to her in her office about Saul still being a suspect. She asks him not to bring his family history into the case, the row ends with Jack walking out and slamming the door.

JW: He's just bashed his appropriate adult for fuck's sake, and now we know that he's dangerous! Look, I feel Like I'm bashing my head against a brick wall here, the guy is a paranoid schizophrenic, he hallucinates, he's got delusions, he hears voices, his story's gone back and forth, he can't remember stuff, he sees someone in the square, he hears someone in the bathroom, you can't believe a fucking word this guy says.

MB: Can you not bring your family history into...

JW: Don't..

MB: ...the room and onto the case, it's not useful for me and it's not useful for nailing the arsehole that has done this. You're on the verge of pissing me off.

JW: I think we've made a massive mistake discounting him as a suspect.

MB: His history is not one of violence towards people, it's violence towards property.

JW: Yeh well, tell that to my Mother.



Scene 53 ( 36.26 - 37.10 )

A troubled Jack is sitting on the rooftop steps smoking, when Charlie approaches him to say that uniform cannot find Saul at the hostel and none of the residents know where he has gone. Charlie offers Jack a listening ear, which he rejects.

CS: Look, I know you're my Sergeant and everything but if you ever want to talk about anything...

JW: Charlie, you know, I've bored myself half to death talking about it with people in the past, I'm not going to bore you with it to ok?



Scene 54 ( 37.11  -  37.48 )

Martha tells Charlie in her office that "top brass" say if they re-arrest Saul he has to be reassessed by a psychiatrist, and it is going to be a long night so she will call home and cancel pizza with her kids. Charlie asks if she knows what is wrong with Jack as he has been touchy and uptight all day, Martha responds "Charlie I'm going to give you the same answer that I'd give Jack if he came in and asked about your personal life, it is none of our business."


Scene 55 ( 37.49 - 38.05 )

Charlie shows Martha and Jack CCTV footage of Nate Turner running away from the crime scene.


Scene 56 ( 38.06 - 39.32  )

Jack and Charlie interview Nate (solicitor present). Jack shows him a photo of him running from the scene of the crime. Nate repeats he didn't do it, but closes up when asked if he was there and what did he see. Jack is very sympathetic, and tells him he knows he was not involved and was not capable of it, but that he knows he knows something and he needs to know what that is.


Scene 57 ( 39.33 - 40.53 )

Jack and Charlie talk in the corridor, Charlie questions how Jack can be so sure it wasn't Nate. They head back to their desks in the main office, and the discussion turns into an argument, with Jack throwing his notebook across the room and pulling rank on Charlie.

JW: That was pretty conclusive

CS: How can you be so sure that it wasn't Nate that attacked Jonathan?

JW: Check out the CCTV image of Nate fleeing the scene, and there's not a speck of blood on him. Ok Charlie, the attacker comes in, finds Jonathan and Nate fucking, Nate freaks out, he's shitting himself in there, he's only nineteen for fuck's sake, he sees the weapon come out, he flees the scene..

CS: Ok then, Sarge, my question to you then is, if Nate didn't do it, who did?

JW: Who's the guy covered in blood at the crime scene!

CS: I don't know, I don't think we can discount what Saul told us about there being someone else in the house..

JW: Jesus.. for fuck's sake Charlie, Jesus Christ

CS: uh, excuse me?

JW: We've wasted enough time listening to what Saul has got to say, he's got zero credibility, there's not a jury in the fucking country that's going to believe a word he says if you put him in a witness box

CS: Sorry, what has that man done to fuck you off so much that your..

JW: Ok. ok, wind your fucking neck back in, wind your fucking neck back in, okay, I don't buy into the rank system too much, but I'm not your fucking friend, I am your line manager ok, I have got three stripes you have got zero.."

Martha, who has been looking on from her office, walks in at this point

JW: Yes Boss

MB: Er, a man has been assaulted on the common. Fatal attack.

CS: I'll get my keys.

MB: No don't get your keys Charlie, get some shut eye. You [to Jack] get YOUR keys.



Scene 58 ( 40.54 - 41.51 )

Jack and Martha drive to the new crime scene. Martha asks if she needs to take Jack off the case, Jack is irritated that she asked.

JW: Jesus Christ...

MB: I need a better answer because it's starting to effect you, it's starting to affect your work, our team

JW: It's just a little bit closer to the bone than normal and I'm trying to act in a professional way, I'm trying to let it not affect me

MB: But it is

JW: Yes, it is, okay, but you have to trust me to be a professional. This guy reminds me of my past, listen, I can do my job..

MB: You can take time out

JW: No, I don't want to take time out, I want to crack the case


Scene 59 ( 41.52  -  42.45 )

Jack and Martha arrive at the common, the area has been cordoned off and the body inside a tented area. Forensics and uniform are already at the scene.


The murder weapon, a hammer, has been found in the bushes and the SOCOs say it is a similar injury to the one inflicted on Jonathan Moxton, and it looks like the same attacker for both cases. Martha comments that she thought they had their guy with Nate, but he is in custody. Jack points out Saul Hammond is on the loose.










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So... who is coming?!


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Me! Be gentle with me, it will be my first time ;o)
great work with the scene breakdown, domino. It was just like being there!

Professional Thud-er
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Phenomenal scene breakdown domino. *almost* don't need a rewatch, but that wouldn't be any fun!  

Rosie, chats are fun and easy. Just have to remember to refresh the page.  The first few Hal chats I attended for were a bit overwhelming, almost too many people, but the exciting pace was contagious. The Jack ones have been a bit more intimate, still exciting but in a manageable way.  Well worth coming to. I've always learned so much hearing other fans' perspectives. Things I might have missed, things that could be interpreted multiple ways, backstory theories, hopes for the future... Lots of fun!


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Yay, really glad you will be with us for your first ever forum chat Rosie! whimsy has given you the perfect instructions, there will be more on the day We use the scene breakdown and talk about a a few scenes at a time, so the chat is semi-structured, which sounds a bit regimental - but experience shows if we don't structure it in some way, it turns into a chaotic mish mash and gets really confusing and impossible to follow / join in.

Agree with you whimsy, it is at the chats that everyones' insights flood in, and it is always inspiring to hear other experiences of the scenes.

Can't wait... roll on #SuspectsSunday!


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Thanks for the support Whimsy and domino!
I should be at my parents' house on Sunday so will at least have WiFi

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that's great news!


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Me me me mee! I can't wait for this! It's been so long since last Jack Chat!



I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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coolbounce glad you will be there, Jozie! highfive

This episode is crammed full of stuff - possibly the most detailed scene breakdown I have done for a Suspects episode so far. The two-parters really allowed for greater depth and development of the thread of tension with Jack's storyline.

I hope you are all re-watching before the chat - cannot wait to hear your take on it all!


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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My parents recorded the first two episodes for me while i was away on holiday and I asked my Dad if I could watch it tomorrow when I visit them and he told me he had watched it and thought it was brilliant!

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RPLovesIpswich wrote:

My parents recorded the first two episodes for me while i was away on holiday and I asked my Dad if I could watch it tomorrow when I visit them and he told me he had watched it and thought it was brilliant!

 That's amazing Rosie!molonyeffect 

Jack Chat tonight! dancing


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Watching episode 1 in preparation for the chat tonight and my Mum is watching with me - she asked me which one I liked by saying "is it the scruffy beardy one?"!!

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Here is the proposed schedule for tonight's Jack Chat.

There are a lot of scenes to get through, but more time has been given to the ones I suspect we will all want to talk about the most!
Apologies to anyone who noticed, there was an error in the scene numbers which has now been corrected.

Scenes 1 - 7 (15 mins)
Scenes 8 - 16 (15 mins)
Scenes 17 - 23 (15 mins)
Scenes 24 - 31 (15 mins)
Scenes 32 - 44 (15 mins)
Scenes 45 - 51 (15 mins)
Scenes 52 - 55 (20 mins)
Scenes 56 - 59 (20 mins)

Hope to see you all here at 8.30pm tonight! jackisbackaction



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Hi everyone!


Ahead of tonight's Jack Chat, please read the helpful hints and guidelines below.

chat guidelines

1.Log ins are available for this chat, but anon posting is also open. Log in if you would like to use a username, but if not just join in anonymously

2. the discussion will be scene by scene with screencaps, and is timed (see schedule above). Experience has shown this is the best way to cover an entire episode and not let the chat become chaotic. (there has to be a system, Hal says so.)

3. refresh your page regularly to keep up with the chat and to see new comments

4. please stick to the scene we are discussing, that way we will have time to discuss the whole episode and the whole group can follow and join in without it becoming chaotic or going off on tangents

5. please keep comments a reasonable length so the chat flows and is easy to follow

6. please try to join in or leave off without disrupting the chat if you join the chat late or leave early

7. Suspects does contain strong language! so there will be some in this chat

8. Suspects contains difficult subject matter, if we don't address certain aspects, it is not because we are being flippant, it is because some topics can be difficult to talk about and we want to be sensitive to / respect that

9. This chat topic will remain on the forum for anyone to read, or to add to, in the future.

10. If you need assistance during the chat please send a private message to admin, so as not to disrupt the chat.

All help with keeping this chat on track is greatly appreciated, so that everyone can follow and take part.


See you in 1 hour.....




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Greetings everyone!

Who is with us tonight for the Jack Chat? come and say a quick hello before we begin!


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Hi! Looking forward to the chat tonight. I'll even be using my laptop for ease of chatting!

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Hi Rosie, glad you could make it!


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".....he'll be with you while you dream"

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Please could everyone who is joining in with the chat read the chat guidelines! thanks


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Hey fifi! good to see you


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Who else is joining us? come and say a quick hi, we're about to begin!


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I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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Hello everyone! *waves*


"Trust me…you don’t want to see a world where I’m leading the vampires." - Hal (Being Human - S5Ep1)


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Hello Jozie! Hi HLH great to see you again !


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