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Topic: How To Post on The Forum & Posting Tips

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Posts: 5468
How To Post on The Forum & Posting Tips
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How To Post on The Forum

Any registered member of the forum can join in with discussions and start topics.



How To Join in with Discussions 

There are two ways to join in with a discussion: 

1. Simply click on the topic you are interested in and write your comment in the 'quick reply' space at the bottom of the page and select 'Post Quick Reply.'

2. Select the topic you are interested in, click the 'Reply' box at the top of the post. write your comments in the box provided and click 'Submit Post'.

3. To quote a previous poster in your reply, click on the 'Quote' button at the top, write your comment in the box provided after the quoted text and click 'Submit Post'.

How to Start a New Topic

1. Select the relevant section on the forum e.g 'Damien Interviews / Media' 

2. Click on the 'Start A New Topic' button at the top right.

3. Write your comment in the box provided, remembering to include a topic title in the 'Subject' line that will catch other people's attention!

4. Click on the 'Submit Post' button

Posting Guidelines

We hope that all members have a positive experience when they visit the forum and endeavor to provide a space where all can engage in friendly discussion with other Damien Molony fans.

We appreciate your respect towards other members and Damien Molony in all comments.

Flaming, trolling, hijacking topics, and discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated and can result in an immediate ban.

This is fan forum for discussing the work and projects of our favourite actor and we do not encourage intrusions of privacy or discussion of Mr Molony's personal life.

Please also see our forum rules / guidelines and zero paparazzi / stalkerazzi polcy here


Posting Links

We love to share interesting articles, interviews, reviews, blogs etc relating to Damien molony and will always try to provide a direct link to the source.

Please always gain any necessary permissions before copying articles or parts of articles and provide the full link within your post. Please refrain from posting any commercial links.

Choosing Which Area of the Forum To Post In

You will find a description of each of the forums on the front page which you may find helpful when deciding where to post on the forum.

If you are not sure, feel free to ask!




And finally.....


The Damien Molony Forum is not a blog, it is not a social network, nor a website. It is a forum, an interactive community, an unlimited platform for fans by fans, to 'fan out' over the various projects of their favourite actor.  Each and every member plays a valuable role in making the forum what it is, and has the power to make this the forum that Damien Molony and his fans deserve.

So be a poster and not a lurker, join and and have fun!


Thank you,




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