Hi Sami, yes next January, which seems extremely unfairly way off! but I thought you were going to get the import for your birthday? I also wonder if the US release will be the edited version that you guys seem to have had when it aired over there? Absolute sacrilege to touch it at all if you ask me!
How about our european frineds, is it the uk version imported, or with subtitles or is it dubbed? that would be kind of funny to see, and how the voice actors matched!
Well, i got it and it didnt work. :( The person i got it from said it would, the company that makes my DVD player said it was multi regional and i wasnt, so i had to send it back :(.
I will be greatly upset if it is all edited and crap! lol
It's a really nice look you've got going on there :wink:
Oh wow..that is awful Sami, so sorry to hear I did know it is advertised as this region only, but if you have a multi region dvd player, you should be able to play any region! this is tragic frankly! the Uk Being Human has an international audience, and that audience should not have to wait this long!