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Topic: 31 Horror-filled HAL moments for HAL-LOWE'EN! What is your top 10?

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31 Horror-filled HAL moments for HAL-LOWE'EN! What is your top 10?


It's HAL-LOWE'EN week and what else would we do but relish it with a celebration our favourite Being Human vampire, Hal!




Below are 31 horror-filled Hal moments from Being Human.



Scoring them from 10 as the most horror-filled and 1 as the least



You can interpret 'horror-filled' however you like, it could be the moments that were most gory, or most scary, or the ones that filled you with the most fear.

The topic will remain open until midnight Thursday (30 Oct) when we'll add up the results and compile a top ten from them all, to create a HALLOWE-EN POLL on the big day, where everyone can vote for one only....to find the definitive TOP horror-filled HAL moment!


1. When Hal goes to kill the pawn shop keeper in BH 4.02

"They all called for their gods, funny, he never came"



2. When Hal vamps out in the 1855 flashback in BH 4.03




3. When Hal shows Michaela his vamp face and is tempted when she offers to feed him in BH 4.03




4. When Kirby reveals the fate of some of Hal's past victims in BH 4.04

"Poor old Eleanor, how old was she when you ripped her to pieces? fourteen. And Nadia who you kept alive for months in that dungeon, feeding in her until she went completely bonkers and Catherine, so sweet, dead a hundred years but still crazy about you even though you broke her heart, and ate it."



5. When Hal threatens Dr Wilson in BH 4.04




6. When Yvonne appears to visit Hal at night and he feeds on her in BH 4.05



7. When Hal appears to stake Tom and almost stake baby Eve in BH 4.05



8. When Hal drinks blood (with Cutler) for the first time in decades in BH 4.07



9. When Hal wakes up blood drunk in BH 4.07



10. When Lord Hal's future self is revealed in BH 4.07



11. When Hal reaches into baby Eve's cot in BH 4.07




12. When Hal is faced with Alex's dead body in BH 4.07




13. When Hal comes face to face with Tom as a werewolf in BH 4.07




14. When Hal drinks Alex's maggoty blood off the floor in BH 4.08




15. When Hal succumbs to Snow and takes his place amongst the Old Ones in BH 4.08



16. The explosion at the end of BH 4.08




17. When Hal vamps out at Crumb in BH 5.01



18. when Hal plans to double stake himself and Crumb

"evil doesn't die, it just passes like a parcel, from year to year, body to body"



19. When Hal threatens Crumb in BH 5.02

"I have killed men and women and children so just think how easy it will be to kill you."



20. When Hal kills Larry in BH5.03

"hello Larry, here I am, do you want to speak to me? Hello, hello? hello.."




21. When Hal reveals how he killed Sylvie in BH 5.04

"I was out riding when suddenly I decided to turn my horse around, ride back to the house and kill everyone inside it as if I was deciding to change into a warmer coat."




22. When Hal is chased by werewolf Bobby and prepares to die in BH 5.04



23. When 'bad' Hal emerges after Crumb captured him in the cellar in BH 5.04

"Crrrumb...your face,  thought you'd lost your reflection didn't you, well take a good look, boy, this is you, this is us, we're not cursed we ARE the curse.."



24. When Hal drinks blood from the flask for the first time in BH 5.04




25. When Hal drinks from Natasha in BH 5.05



26. When Natasha unties Hal from the chair and kills herself in front of him in BH 5.05



27. When 'bad' Hal fully emerges and prepares to kill a bar full of people in BH 5.05 "You'll do"




28. When Hal collects blood from and kills "guy in denim shirt" in BH5.06



29. When Hal 'wakes up' as human, bloody and fatally wounded at the battle of Orscha




30. When Hal, Tom, Alex and Rook appear to die after the ritual in BH5.06




31. When the camera pans along the mantlepiece at the end of BH 5.06




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This reads like a list of my favourite BH moments!  It's gonna be quite hard to put them into any sort of order - it could well end up just being 'favourite' rather than 'horror-filled'....but I reckon it'll be a lot of fun trying!  Nice little half term hols activity to keep me busy - thanks domino!! 



".....he'll be with you while you dream"

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It kept me amused for half a day creating it fifi - glad it grabs you too!

There are several 'horrifying' Hal moments I excluded.... but after I changed it to 'Horror-filled' the emphasis changed. 



Other horror filled moment that didn't make the list:

(should any of these be swapped into the 31? if so swapped with which and why?)



When Hal reached into the crying baby Eve's cot after Leo and Pearl died and before he went to kill the pawn shop keeper in BH 4.02




When Hal appears to ally with Fergus against Annie, Tom and Regus in BH 4.03 and Fergus stabs Michaela

"You think I'd ally myself with these freaks and traitors" 




When Hal vamped out at Annie, after Kirby started messing with his things in BH 4.04




When Hal drank blood the second time in the club with Cutler in BH 4.07




When Hal had killed Cutler's wife in the flashback in BH 4.07




When Lady Mary tried to telekenetically stake Hal in BH 5.03




When Hal was about to drink his glass of blood with Crumb, who vapourised himself, in BH 5.04




When Hal returned to HH after drinking from Natasha, and spoke to Alex in BH 5.05




When a blood stained vest Hal had recruited an entire bar full of people in BH 5.06




When Tom and Hal had a fight and Tom was about to kill Hal  in BH 5.06




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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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So many of these scenes are filled with so much pathos as well as horror. The maggotty blood is definitely the most disgusting though!

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Your definition of horror-filled might be different from mine, because with the exception of the maggot scene, most of these read as just pure Hal yumminess... 

Ok I'll try to give it some serious thought (and not be distracted by the pretty)...


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
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Functioning Halcoholic
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The only thing I remember scaring me in Being Human (and honestly I scare easily) was the men with sticks and ropes. Not at first, but when they came back in the fifth season.

Several things have been more, oh, what the word? Chilling, I suppose. Hal killing Culter's wife, drinking from the flask, Mitchell on the train - and with the coroner before that.


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Lol!  I was trying to think about this without over-analysing the question....I was trying to just go with it.  But it seems I'm not the only one who gets bogged down by definitions, and now I've had to give it some thought! 

I agree with wabbit that there weren't many scary moments in BH.....but that's not the first thing that the word 'horror' brings to my mind.  For me, although there is an element of fear it's primarily about dread and shock  - perhaps with an element of disgust - a cold fear. I think 'chilling' is a good word, wabbit.  But yes, whimsy - most of these scenes are Hal at his most glorious and I find it difficult to associate the word horror with them at all.....

I do think that Hal killing Cutler's wife should be on the list though, domino - it'll definately be in my top 10....I think....maybe....




".....he'll be with you while you dream"

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Wow - 160 views of this topic! Come and join the Hal-loween fun guys!

whimsy - to quote Hal "I'll have you know I'm a ruthless killer!"

wabbit - that was super scary.. the dripping tap bit got me especially. hide It's Hal moments though or I would have included it.

fifi - "Don't over analyze it" ...

Ok, let's swap in the moment where Lord Hal has killed Cutler's wife... but what do we swap out, what is the least horror - filled moment? I am tempted to go for number 18 or 19....


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In BH there was few scary moments, I'm not sure was I scared for Hal or others. When he turned bad and he was "blood drunk" I was afraid what's going to happen and if he's going to get hurt. blood


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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Agree with you completely on that Jozie

This is just a bit of Halloween fun so I just selected the gory moments and a few scared for Hal moments!

Is anyone going to have a go at a top ten?
You have until tomorrow midnight..... then there will be a poll to select the TOP moment!


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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For me the least horror-filled moment is 21. I thought this was just desperately sad.

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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OK, my top ten just on instinct rather than any deep thought processes:

1. Number 4 - realisation of what Hal is capable of

2. Number 2 - Hal as the hunter toying with his prey

3. Number 23 - no matter how much we try to convince ourselves that Hal is good, 'bad' Hal is always there

4. Number 7 - tense but a little part of me knew he wouldn't really have staked Eve

5. Number 26 - I felt Hal's terror at not being able to do anything to stop Natasha and the fear of knowing that nobody would believe Hal

6. Number 22 - very tense, classic horror scenario of hiding from the prowling monster

7. When Hal killed Cutler's wife - chilling, ruthless, horrifying

8. Number 12 - just horrible for so many reasons, visually horrific

9. Number 14 - so gory and disgusting. But also so sad that Hal is so desperate

10. Slightly cheating as this was one of the alternative swaps - when Hal reaches in to Eve's cot after Leo has died - I chose this as my most horror filled moment because this scene made my heart race the most

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Oops, was clicking around on my screen and posted it before adding this...
I am having an extra awesome Hal-o-ween, because I decided to dress up as Hal (1918 Uniform) and go Trick-or-Treating (Never too old for candy!)


Hope you all have a very scary Halloween and lots of candy!

We found a... We found a dead dog in the oven. Health and safety.
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Super Duper - you must post a photo!  We have a topic in the member's lounge for selfies here: 



papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

Functioning Halcoholic
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Yes, please, share the costume! :D

And I shall have to think on a top ten. Hm...


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Thanks for kickstarting the top 10 lists Rosie!

Looking at yours, mine may be a little similar, will put mine up later today.

Agree with you that moment 21. is filled with heartbreaking sadness, but the actual moment when Hal reveals what he had done and HOW... the speed with which he could turn (and within those seemingly ideal conditions) is super scary chilling, not only because of what happened back then but the meaning that has for the 'now' of Hal's world......

My least horror filled moments would be 3, 4, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, ..in some of those instances I knew that the thing that was about to happen, was not going to happen.. of that makes sense!

Super Duper, thanks for your top 10 list too! (is that from least to most horror-filled? and I'm in total agreement with whimsy and wabbit, if you fell given to share a photo pf your Hal-lowe'en costume that would be fangtastistic!


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Here's my list - from least to most.  I think I succeeded in compiling it without obsessing over the definition of 'horror'.....

9. When Hal wakes up blood drunk in BH 4.07 - crying baby....Hal vamped out....I think I spent most of s4 thinking that Hal was actually going to kill Eve.

30. When Hal, Tom, Alex and Rook appear to die after the ritual in BH5.06 - the only ending that could possibly have been worse than them dying was for them to end up human......true horror!

7. When Hal appears to stake Tom and almost stake baby Eve in BH 4.05 - I knew as soon as Hal staked Tom that this was a dream but it was still shocking - and although that screencap has its....attractions, the sight of Hal holding a stake over a baby.....

25. When Hal drinks from Natasha in BH 5.05 - very....feral

20. When Hal kills Larry in BH5.03 - I do love this scene...but its not Hal embracing his inner vampire - it's cold bloodied murder.

14. When Hal drinks Alex's maggoty blood off the floor in BH 4.08 - don't need to say anything do I?

12. When Hal is faced with Alex's dead body in BH 4.07 - she's hanging on a meat hook!!!

?.  When Hal had killed Cutler's wife in the flashback in BH 4 - really wasn't expecting it....what a bastard!

26. When Natasha unties Hal from the chair and kills herself in front of him in BH 5.05 - she cut her own throat....it horrified me!

28. When Hal collects blood from and kills "guy in denim shirt" in BH5.06 - This is my favourite Hal incarnation but I knew straight off that this would be my top moment.  Its one of only 2 scenes in BH which I find truely difficult to watch (the other being the werewolf guy imploding in the pressure chamber in S2)


".....he'll be with you while you dream"

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My listfangs:

1. When Hal wakes up blood drunk: This is absolutely my first one. Just the situation, Hal, nice vampire who have been "clean" suddenly is on blood, and God only knows what's going to happen next. I feared that something terrible will happen. Most stopping moment of BH.

2. When Hal succumbs to Snow and takes his place amongst the Old Ones: Same kind of situation. In my head I was screaming: "Nooooooooooooooo Hal what are you doing" and from my lips only escaped small little "No". 

3. When Tom and Hal had a fight and Tom was about to kill Hal: Oh no don't you dare Tom.. And don't just laugh there HAL!

4. When Hal reached into the crying baby Eve before he went to "kill" the pawn shop keeper: Don't hurt the baby don't hurt the baby Don't hurt the baby Don't hurt the baby...

5. When Hal appears to ally with Fergus against Annie, Tom and Regus: Again "Hal what are you doing Nooooo" -moment but I sensed after few more seconds that this might be plot against Fergus.,.

6. When Hal was about to drink his glass of blood with Crumb: "What in the God's name are you doing Hal PUT THAT GLASS DOWN!!"

7. When a blood stained vest Hal recruited an entire bar full of people: Oh my he lost it. He lost it.

8. When Hal appears to stake Tom and almost stake baby Eve: Nonononononononoooo don't do it!

9. When Kirby reveals the fate of some of Hal's past victims: He might flip for this. Any second now.. Oh no don't cry..

10. When Hal comes face to face with Tom as a werewolf: This.... Might not end well..


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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excellent work fifi and Jozie! thanks for adding your lists! I can see compiling a top 10 is not going to be at all easy!

Jozie, is your list from least to most or the other way around?

I think I made it too complicated but this was the idea:


Scoring them from 10 as the most horror-filled and 1 as the least



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Damn! It's another way around! Sorrybiggrin

1=1 and 10=10 ghost


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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so in your list, 10 is the most horror filled Jozie? ok!


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Here's my list, 10 being the most horror filled moment, 1 being the least

(almost the same as yours fifi!)


10. When Hal finds Alex's dead body (12)

9. When Hal has killed Cutler's wife in the flashback

8. When Natasha unties Hal from the chair and kills herself in front of him (26)

7.  When Hal appears to stake Tom and is about to stake baby Eve (7)

6. When Hal kills Larry (20)

5. When Hal drinks from Natasha (25)

4. When Hal reaches into baby Eve's cot (11)

3. When Hal collects blood from and kills guy in denim shirt (28)

2. When they all die in the ritual (30)


1. when the camera pans across the mantelpiece (31)


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One being the most horror filled moment, and ten the least (my list). And great list domino! :)


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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Ok gottcha Jozie!

interestingly everyone's choices are quite different, the top ten is a close run thing!


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