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Topic: DAMIEN MOLONY READING 8 POEMS | Poetry Please | Bloomsday | 14 June 2015

Post Info
Bloomsday Special: Which is your favourite? [10 vote(s)]

'A Flower Given To My Daughter' by James Joyce
'Alone' by James Joyce
'Dublin' by Louis MacNeice
'The Night Ride' by Kenneth Slessor
'Silent Noon' by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
'The Bookmark' by Graham Swift
'The Goat Paths' by James Stephens
'Gas From A Burner' by James Joyce
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DAMIEN MOLONY READING 8 POEMS | Poetry Please | Bloomsday | 14 June 2015

Damien is returning to BBC Radio 4's Poetry Please!


© Poetry Please, BBC Radio 4

© Poetry Please, BBC Radio 4


Damien is returning to BBC Radio 4’s Poetry Please, in a special programme celebrating Bloomsday.

The broadcast marks the annual event in honour of Irish writer James Joyce and his book Ulysses, which is set during just one day (16 June) with a protagonist Leopold Bloom.

Damien will be reading poems by Joyce and contemporary Irish poet Paul Durcan.

The programme is hosted by radio veteran Roger McGough, produced by Sally Heaven and will also feature a varied selection of listeners’ requests for poets including Kenneth Slessor, Julia Darling and Fannie Stearns-Gifford.

Poetry Please shared a photo of Damien in the studio recording for the programme on their Twitter page.


This is Damien’s third time giving voice to the poems of literary greats on Poetry Please and his seventh appearance on BBC Radio 4.

He made his debut on the channel in 2013, reading short story Student Stories, followed by BBC NI Radio Drama’s production of William Trevor’s The Hill Bachelors and Jim Sheridan’s adaptation of The Commitments. In his previous two appearances on Poetry Please Damien gave readings of W.B. Yeats poetry. More recently he was the actor reader in a series showcasing new Irish writing, reading Eimear McBride’s short story Me and The Devil.

Damien’s Poetry Please programme will be available to listen to live and on catch-up worldwide via BBC iplayer radio, be sure to tune in!


Please Poetry | Bloomsday airs on BBC Radio 4, 4.30pm Sunday 14 June. To listen to Damien live and on catch up, click here (works internationally).




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(Updated 5 June 2015)



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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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RE: Damien Molony to read James Joyce and more poems on Poetry Please!

How exciting! Can't wait for this! I love, love, love Damien's readings!

At least he's not wearing that top again ;)

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Oh yess!! Couldn't agree with you more Rosie, love his readings!


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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We don't have a broadcast date yet, but Bloomsday is a James Joyce celebration day, marked on 16 June, so on or near that date!


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There are so many things I like about that one little tweet.....not only will DaMo be reading poetry on the radio again, but soon.....the use of the word 'including' - which suggests to me that there will be some more to come in the future........and that picture!  I've said it before but the bods at Radio 4 don't half take some nice pics!

Lol to the top Rosie!


".....he'll be with you while you dream"

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I'm enjoying the 'sprout' of hair Damien has growing out the top of his head! Like an antenna curl!

Having had to do voice recordings recently I've realised how hard it is to read out loud for long periods without messing it up! I wonder how many times it takes Damien to get a perfect recording?

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YES YES YES to everything.  My Damo Playlist is eagerly awaiting this (these) additions.


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Wish I was more technical and able to record these little gems... I can only download podcasts.... I'm bound to be working...


Good Hal? Bad Hal? Really don't mind.... 

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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The radio programmes have previously all been on the BBC i -player or BBC radio 4 website for around a month or so, Kallie. The links will be on the forum when the programme is broadcast so hopefully you'll be able to listen.

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Thanks RP, I know I've missed so much Damien audio stuff already, as soon as I get my upgrade phone will download Raven onto it... listening to the CD when in bed I fall asleep and when doing something else loose the story plot... Is there a list anywhere that I can tick off please?


Good Hal? Bad Hal? Really don't mind.... 

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I only managed to listen to Raven all in one go when I was off sick from work!

I don't know about a list, Kallie, but in the radio and audio section of the forum there should be details of anything that was broadcast. Did you listen to The Hill Bachelors? There is a link to a YouTube clip in the radio and audio section. There's also a YouTube video of Damien reading a story called First Person Shooter.

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Ah, I need to pull a sickie (only joking) will try another go tonight... its a pain but have to use phone hot spot unless out of house for wifi and you tube costs a fortune... I need it on something that I can listen to while shopping and mooching, at least not lying down.... I have trouble getting to sleep but Damien's voice chills me too quickly... which is good and bad...


Good Hal? Bad Hal? Really don't mind.... 

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WAHOO!!!!!!!!! that is all


My all time fave Hal line (just love the way he says it)

"We've been played! My God! We've been played!"

"Annie's getting hysterical downstairs and I'm not enjoying it"

"kill me. Kill me now. You can tell Annie that I attacked you or something"

"“Were you guys talking about me? I heard ‘clearly gorgeous’” 

 "Yes because otherwise you are quite the catch"

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Bloomsday is really a celebration of Joyce's major work Ulysses, which is set in one day - 16 June 1904 - with a main character called Leopold Bloom. Joyce also finsihed the first episode of Ulysses on 16 June 1915. 

Has anyone read it? I had to for the modernism element of my degree, not the easiest or most accessible read but one of the most important works of modernist lit.

I wonder if Damien will read an extract? or some Joyce poetry (and others!)


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I've never read it but it's on my list of things I think I should read! Maybe Damien's reading will help enthuse me!

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I am sure it will Rosie!

Just stumbled upon this hour long James Joyce Ulysses documentary:


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Must admit that I've never read Ulysses either, despite the fact that it was on my essential reading list  (I kinda just leaned what I needed to know about it!) But maybe I should give it a go as I do have a copy! 

I don't know if Poetry Please have readings of extracts from novels, but the tweet does say that Damien was recording poems, so I assumed that it will be  Joyce's poetry for Bloomsday and other poems for a later airing.


".....he'll be with you while you dream"

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Never read Ulysses.  Have no interest in it either! 

I assume the same fifi, a couple Joyce poems from Bloomsday, other poems for later airing.  

This is the next Damien thing to look forward to isn't it?  Really missing him on the telly.  I hate all this waiting, knowing there is more of his work out there but having to wait and wait and wait.  The year of the Damo has been sadly lacking the first half.  Will there be a sudden saturation in the second half?

I wonder what else he's going to work on now that THP will be over.


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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whimsyfox wrote:

I wonder what else he's going to work on now that THP will be over.

 You know what he's like, I'm sure he'll already have something planned and we'll find out at the last minute! 

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No news on the airdate yet but I am guessing Sunday 14 June, as it's the nearest Sunday to Bloomsday! Something to look forward to


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RE: Damien Molony to read on Poetry Please Bloomsday special!

Still no exact date for the programme but it is getting closer! I am still betting on 14 June unless Poetry Please moves days for a special bloomsday programme!

Yes, Damien is more likely reading Joyce and other poems. Ulysses is the cornerstone of the whole celebration though and for anyone interested, here are some awesome clips from previous Ulysses drama on BBC Radio 4!
Ulysses - the Drama | BBC Radio 4


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We have a date people!

Damien will be back on the radio 4.30 - 5pm Sunday 14 June

in BBC Radio 4's 'Poetry Please' Bloomsday special!

Poetry Please | Bloomsday | Radio Times


Roger McGough marks Bloomsday, the annual celebration of James Joyce, with readings of the writer's verse and poems by Paul Durcan. Plus, more listeners' requests.


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Professional Thud-er
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EXCELLENT! Having Damo withdrawls.


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Wonderful! Can't wait, no better way to spend a Sunday surely!

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Only 11 days! I love how Damien's radio projects are available to all, across the world LIVE!

Remember international fans, you will be able to listen live via the BBC radio iplayer! (I'll put the link up as soon as the programme is in the Radio 4 schedules).


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