The Voice In My Ear: Damien to star in new BBC Radio 4 comedy drama!
Molonians, mark your diaries! Mr Radio 4 is back! More joy for our ears coming soon! Damien is to star in a new radio comedy drama!  The Voice In My Ear2.15 pm Tuesday 28 March on BBC Radio 4
Damien Molony Forum
Damien stars in "atmospheric, slow burn folk-horror" audio drama 'SHARD' | 10 July BBC Radio 4
 Damien will be back on the airwaves soon in another new BBC Radio 4 drama! The drama is called 'Shard' and descrived as "An atmospheric, slow burn folk-horror story examining the impact of environmental catastrophe on an alternative society." Damien plays the lead character Spoone...
Damien Molony Forum
The Snowman: Damien Molony performs in BBC World Service Radio Playwriting Competition - Saturday 18 Feb
Damien will be on the radio this evening as the performer in 'The Snowman', which won the English as a First Language prize of the International Playwriting Competition hosted by the BBC World Service and the British Council. It is also 53 mins long, so will be a real treat! The Sn...
Damien Molony Forum
JUDAS: Damien Molony Stars in "poetic and punchy" 5 Part BBC Radio 4 Easter Drama
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Another exciting new radio project!Damien is to star in BBC Radio 4 drama 'Judas' The five-part drama by Lucy Gannon will be broadcast across the five days leading up to Easter10.45 am (UK time) 26 - 30 March"this powerful drama traces the days leading up to Jesus's death, from the perspect...
Damien Molony Forum
Great news!The BBC production of 'Tis Pity She's A Whoreis now available as an audiobook! Stream / download at the links below! In the UKAudible /Amazon(with free trial option!)Google Play In the USAmazon WalmartKobo Let us know if you find it in your country!
Damien Molony Forum
Damien Molony stars in Tis Pity She's A Whore 'visceral radio production' BBC Radio 3 | 7 January 2018
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TIS PITY SHE’S A WHORE (2018) TIS PITY SHE’S A WHORE | DRAMA ON 3 | BBC RADIO 3 9 – 10.45pm 7 January 2018 >>> LISTEN ON DEMAND (WORLDWIDE) <<< Cast and Production Annabella – Jessie Buckley Giovanni – Damien Molony Signor Florio – Niall Buggy Putana – Fenella Woolgar Friar Bon...
Damien Molony Forum
Damien Molony reading 'Me and the Devil' | BBC Radio 4 | 27 March 2015
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Damien is back on BBC Radio 4 Friday 27 March 3.45pm (uk time), reading a short story by Eimear McBride as part of a New Irish Writing Series.Listen live and on catch up via the BBC iplayer by clicking below!(works internationally)Me and the Devil Shorts, New Irish Writing | BBC Radio 4
Damien Molony Forum
Damien Molony stars in award-winning 'chemical romance' 'The Effect' - Lucy Pebble play | BBC Radio 3 | 28 January 2018
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THE EFFECT (2018) THE EFFECT | DRAMA ON 3 | BBC RADIO 3 9 – 10.45 PM 28 January 2018 Cast and ProductionTristan Frey – Damien Molony Connie Hall – Jessie Buckley Dr Toby Sealey – Samuel West Dr Laura James – Christine Entwisle Voice – Philip BrethertonDirector – Abigail le Fleming Writer – Lucy Prebbl...
Damien Molony Forum
Unseen photo of Damien recording Student Stories, 2012!
This brings back such great memories!We were all super excited for Damien's first radio role in 'Student Stories' way back in 2012/2013.He read one of the short stories written by students for the series, a BBC NI Radio Drama productionwhich aired on BBC Radio 4 January, 2013. More info here and here...
domino l - l - l
'HOME FRONT': Damien Molony is 'Hardy Walsh' in BBC Radio 4 WW1 Drama Serial
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Exciting news!Damien is back on BBC Radio 4! He appears in drama serial 'Home Front' as the character Hardy Walsh A "Drama serial tracking the fortunes of a group of characters on the home front as they try to maintain normality while Britain is involved in the First World Wa...
Damien Molony Forum
'The Effect' and 'Home Front' WINNERS in BBC Radio Audio Drama Awards!
Two of the radio projects Damien starred in last year have won awards at the BBC Radio Audio Drama Awards 2019! Abigail le Fleming won best director for The Effect Not without the expert and essential help of Jessie Buckley, @damienmolony @exitthelemming @ChrisEntwisle @Hamm...
Damien Molony Forum
2018 POLL: What was your favourite Damien radio project this year?
Molonians! We were spoiled this year with 4 wonderful new Damien radio projects! They were all substantial, available to listen and download worldwide and starred our favourite actor front and centre!So..What was your favourite Damien radio project this year? Vote in t...
Damien Molony Forum
BBC Radio 3 | James Joyce's Dubliners Sunday Feature, Literary Pursuits | read by Damien Molony
Damien is the reader on BBC Radio 3 programme Literary Pursuits, Jame Joyce's DublinersThe programme will air 10 pm Tuesday 29 August 2017, but apparently first aired in 2016 (how did we miss it!)It is a fascinating story about Joyce's collection of short stories and the extraordinary lengths he we...
Damien Molony Forum
DAMIEN MOLONY READING 8 POEMS | Poetry Please | Bloomsday | 14 June 2015
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Damien is returning to BBC Radio 4's Poetry Please!‘POETRY PLEASE': DAMIEN MOLONY RETURNS TO BBC RADIO 4 FOR BLOOMSDAY SPECIALJune 5, 2015 © Poetry Please, BBC Radio 4 Damien is returning to BBC Radio 4’s Poetry Please, in a special programme celebrating Bloomsday.The broadcast marks the...
Damien Molony Forum
Damien Molony reads darkly comedic tale 'Bottle Man' on BBC Radio 4 | 26 February 2017
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Damien is going to be back on the radio! The Soundhouse recording studio kindly shared this photo on their Facebook page today.Happy #MolonyMonday
Damien Molony Forum
DAMIEN MOLONY READING 7 POEMS | BBC Poetry Please 'Time, Memory and Remembrance' | 24 April 2016
WOW!Damien has made his 6th appearance on BBC Poetry Pleasereading 7 poems on 'Time, Memory and Remembrance' The individual readings and poems are listed below, but please do listen to the whole programme with the other readings and Roger McGough's wonderful words in between. The programme i...
Damien Molony Forum
Happy National Poetry Day 2016!
It's National Poetry Day,here in the UK!Let's celebrate the occasionin true Molonian fashionby listening, while reclining in bed,to these poems, magically read,by the one and only...Damien Molony![video=https://www.youtube....
Damien Molony Forum
DAMIEN MOLONY | BBC Poetry Please 'Miscellany' | 29 May 2016
Damien was on BBC Poetry Please again today!He read 1 poem, 'The Ancient World' by Mark Doty(It is a 6 mins reading - with an American accent!) Listen on the Radio iplayer at the link below(works internationally) LISTEN to Damien read on Poetry Please 'Miscellany'(20.18 - 24.22 mark)
Damien Molony Forum
To celebrate World Poetry Day 2016, please enjoy 14 poems read by our favourite actorvia our new Audio Library!CLICK DAMIEN MOLONY POETRY READINGS BBC Poetry Please 'Pot Luck', 25 October 2015 'En Route' by Thomas Blackburn [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNb-eJL...
Damien Molony Forum
Damien Molony reading 2 poems on BBC Poetry Please 'Pot Luck' | 25 October 2015
Damien read 2 poems on The BBC Radio 4 Poetry Please programme 'Potluck' 23 October.I can only apologise for not noticing sooner ! 'En route' by Thomas Blackburn (07.41 - 10.23)'On the Beach at Fontana' by James Joyce (20.58 -21.35) Click here to Enjoy!
Damien Molony Forum