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Topic: 'HOME FRONT': Damien Molony is 'Hardy Walsh' in BBC Radio 4 WW1 Drama Serial

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'HOME FRONT': Damien Molony is 'Hardy Walsh' in BBC Radio 4 WW1 Drama Serial

Exciting news!

Damien is back on BBC Radio 4!

radio listen

He appears in drama serial 'Home Frontas the character Hardy Walsh 

A "Drama serial tracking the fortunes of a group of characters on the home front as they try to maintain normality while Britain is involved in the First World War."









 Damien has joined the cast of BBC Radio 4 serial drama Home Front as the character Hardy Walsh.

Set in Britain during the Great War 1914 – 1918, the drama follows the lives of a group of characters
on the home front while Britain is at war. Damien appears in series 14, subtitled “Needs Must When the Devil Drives”,
which takes place during events in the latter part of the war.

He appears in the following episodes

(this list will be updated)


’20 June 1918 – Hardy Walsh’
12.04 – 12.15
20 June 2018

(Listen & download here)

’27 June 1918 – Emily Colville’
12.04 – 12.15
27 June 2018

(Listen & download here)

‘4 July 1918 – Morris Battley’
12.04 – 12.15
4 July 2018

(Listen & download here)

’23 July 1918 – Emily Colville’
12.04 – 12.15
23 July 2018

(Listen & download here)

‘1 August 1918 – Emily Colville’
12.04 – 12.15
1 August 2018

(Listen & download here)


Character Synopsis



Series Synopsis


The Home Front story returns to Devon, a county central to the country’s desperate hopes for a good harvest, in which the upheavals and social schisms of WW1 were felt particularly keenly. Summer 1918 marks the point when Britain was on the brink of starvation, with the most important harvest of the war looming, both literally and metaphorically. Women, children, prisoners of war and wounded soldiers are all being put to work on the land. However, there are also those unable or unwilling to help the Government drive to feed the war effort. Dartmoor prison now houses 1000 conscientious objectors, much to the fury of local people with family away fighting, whilst at nearby Seale Hayne, a radical new hospital for shell-shocked soldiers has opened. Season 14 challenges notions of a harmonious rural idyll.

Season 14 of Home Front is story-led by Sebastian Baczkiewicz, and subtitled “Needs Must When the Devil Drives”.

Lucy Catherine, Katie Hims and Sarah Daniels complete the writing team for this season, which will also feature the return of Anton Lesser, Matthew Beard and Maggie Steed, and guest appearances from Geoffrey Palmer, Mark Heap, Jonathan Bailey and Damien Molony.




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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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'HOME FRONT': Damien Molony To Appear in BBC Radio 4 WW1 Drama Serial

This sounds fascinating! And a chance for Damien to use his native Kildare accent (I assume, reading the bio of the character).

Damien really is Radio 4's go to guy. Mr Radio 4.

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Here's the trailer for BBC R4 Home Front Series 14

...guess who's voice comes first?!



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RPLovesIpswich wrote:

This sounds fascinating! And a chance for Damien to use his native Kildare accent (I assume, reading the bio of the character).

Damien really is Radio 4's go to guy. Mr Radio 4.

  The trailer confirms that he does indeed use his native accent Rosie. And, how completely right it seems that in 2018 Damien from Kildare  portrays a man born in Kildare in 1881



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Here is all the info for Damien's appearance in Home Front.

The episode airs 20 June 2018, exactly 100 years after the drama is set - 20 June 1918 

Don't forget this will be available live and on catch-up worldwide. It is also highly possible there will be a downloadable podcast.




’20 June 1918 – Hardy Walsh’


12.04 – 12.15
20 June 2018


Character Synopsis



Series Synopsis


The Home Front story returns to Devon, a county central to the country’s desperate hopes for a good harvest, in which the upheavals and social schisms of WW1 were felt particularly keenly. Summer 1918 marks the point when Britain was on the brink of starvation, with the most important harvest of the war looming, both literally and metaphorically. Women, children, prisoners of war and wounded soldiers are all being put to work on the land. However, there are also those unable or unwilling to help the Government drive to feed the war effort. Dartmoor prison now houses 1000 conscientious objectors, much to the fury of local people with family away fighting, whilst at nearby Seale Hayne, a radical new hospital for shell-shocked soldiers has opened. Season 14 challenges notions of a harmonious rural idyll.

Season 14 of Home Front is story-led by Sebastian Baczkiewicz, and subtitled “Needs Must When the Devil Drives”.

Lucy Catherine, Katie Hims and Sarah Daniels complete the writing team for this season, which will also feature the return of Anton Lesser, Matthew Beard and Maggie Steed, and guest appearances from Geoffrey Palmer, Mark Heap, Jonathan Bailey and Damien Molony.


Episode Synopsis

On this day in 1918, a registry office for boy farmworkers opened in London, and in Devon, Hardy Walsh finds his work more of a challenge than he expected.



Episode Cast and Production

Hardy Walsh – Damien Molony
Emily Colville – Scarlett Brookes
Rose Fairweather – Helen Longworth
Gert Battley – Maggie Steed
Morris Battley – Sean Baker
Elspeth Taverner – Kelly Williams

Writer – Lucy Catherine
Director – Jessica Dromgoole






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I'm delighted about this, I've been listening to "Home Front" since the beginning!
It's on every weekday, and Damien starts in episode 3. It may be worth while to start listening from the Monday, it will make more sense of what you hear.
It's an excellent series and the entire thing is available by podcast if you want to listen to well over 100 episodes (well worth it, in my view). highfive
Delighted that Damien is now part of this very strong cast. Only hope he is a regular for the cast in that part of England and not just for a couple of episodes. fingerscrossed

Someone at BBC 4 has the good taste to like Damien's work listen



-- Edited by EllieForster on Sunday 17th of June 2018 10:24:35 AM

-- Edited by EllieForster on Sunday 17th of June 2018 11:25:33 AM

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Great suggestion Ellie, I've never listened before, so plan on beginning with the new series from the start.

Yes, it's great news about the Podcast availability too!

Damien is listed as one of the "guest cast" for this series, which also includes his former tv and theatre co=star Jonathan Bailey. So far he is not in listings for other episodes, fingers crossed thoughfingerscrossed



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There is also a weekly omnibus of Home Front, the one including Damien's episode airs 9pm 22 June.

But don't forget, his episode will also be available live, on catch up, and podcast, worldwide!

Home Front 18 - 22 June 1918 Omnibus






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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Damo's episode neatly coincides with my lunch break at work!

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Don't forget Damien is back on the radio TODAY!

Tune in live 12.04 (UK time) or listen on catch up WORLDWIDE!

But if you can't wait until then...

episode is already available!



Home Front | 20 June 1918 - Hardy Walsh




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Ooh! Damien is going to be in another episode of Home Front!

There is no info yet on if he will be any more, we will have to find out as programme details and casting are revealed.

His next appearance is in 

27 June 1918 Emily Colville

(which, yes you guessed it, airs 27 June 2018!)




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Ah.. how lovely that was!

The episode was captivating, charming, funny and historically important.

Hardy Walsh, coming in with the prevailing misogynist attitudes, that women's place is in the domestic realm. He's the perfect character to show how those attitudes were being changed in WW1, or, at least that they do not serve the times as Britain's workforce became predominantly hard working women, and in fact that women are keeping the farming community, and indeed the country, going. (Hasn't he heard of the Women's Land Army?)

He was totally schooled by Emily Colville and Elsbeth Taverner!

Hopefully in his role of War Agricultural Committee Executive Supervisor he'll question and drop those attitudes and come to see the importance of women in this sector and even come to champion it. 

As a character he comes across as righteous and angsty, becoming more and more frustrated - so Hal-like! Not to mention how I kept having Being Human moments ("the old fashioned way", "the greater good"). No Man's Land was mentioned too. It's impossible to be a Molonian and not notice this coincidences.

Funny moments - with Elspeth Taverner and the horse - he really showed him who's boss! and the Cornish pixies, loved it!




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I'm looking forward, but I'll have to hear it later. I'm still sitting at work aww

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Am I the only one who thinks that? But I think the picture looks somehow so different with the hair.

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I look forward to hearing what you think of today's episode Sana.

Not sure what you mean in your second post, but couldn't possibly agree with any word against Damien's award winning hair. I love the photo! (and always feel awkward with commenting so specifically on any photo that Damien has had the good grace to pose for to promote his work).



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Damien Molony Forum wrote:

Not sure what you mean in your second post, but couldn't possibly agree with any word against Damien's award winning hair.


Neither do I biggrin


Ahh, it is sometimes so difficult with the google translator…   wink   I think the photo is great too. I just wanted to say that when I saw it I thought: how another haircut can change someone. And I think he looks different when he wears his hair like that. And I love the photo too. smile

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Damien Molony Forum wrote:

I look forward to hearing what you think of today's episode Sana.

 Unfortunately, I have not managed to hear it yet  blankstare

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Who has listened to Damien in Home Front? Another new character to get to know!
If so you will know that the ending gave a clue that was not the last we would hear of Hardy Walsh. And in case you missed the news, he is also in an episode next Wednesday!

Sana, I hope you have a chance to listen really soon I understand what you mean about the photo now. You do really well with your English, google translate is far inferior than your skills!



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'20 June 1918 - Hardy Walsh' is now available to listen online, and download WORLDWIDE



Home Front is also available as a downloadable podcast, either by individual episode or as a weekly omnibus



For anyone interested, the Home Front website is full of wonderful resources, including articles on the WW1 history that features in the drama. 




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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Caught up with Damien's Home Front episode on the iPlayer today. I thought Hardy came across as self-important and pompous (and clearly proud of his role and determined to do it well) but I get the feeling that the incredible women working hard to keep the farms going will persuade him to change his views about women!

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Oh yes! Gotta listen this asap!


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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Loved it, I think Damien's Hardy Walsh character fits in really well. I am glad that I've listened to it for all these years as I know a lot about the characters. For instance, in spite of Cora Gidley thinking that Gabriel Graham had been unfaithful to Sylvia, she was the one who had an affair - with an old school friend of their son Freddie (Freddie had been killed early on in the war).

I always wait and listen to the omnibus edition.

I suppose we all know when the series will end!

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Hi Ellie, thanks for sharing your reaction, it is good to her from a seasoned Home Front listener like you!

I loved Damien's Hardy Walsh episode but did slightly find myself craving context, so have listened to the new series from the beginning so far.

Jozie, have you had a chance to listen now?



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Damien returns  to Home Front on Wednesday

In episode 27 June 1918 - Emily Colville 

But if you cannot wait until then, it is available to listen online now!






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Excited to see Damien is in a third episode of Home Front!

4 July 1918 - Morris Battley

I'm really happy he is recurring character and not just in one ep.

This will make it 3 consecutive Wednesday episodes.

We will have to keep watching the schedules to see if he is in any more!







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